






 My important class is an English conversation class in my university.There are several reasons. First of all,  it can make me very happy. Whenever I get in touch with other students, and get a chance to talk with them through the class, I can truly enjoy hearing different views and opinions. In addition to that, it helps me enhance the ability of speaking English. I strongly want to speak English very well. Thus, the class is very important for me.<80 words>



My special gift is a mobile phone which my father gave me on my fifteenth birthday. It  can make me very happy. Whenever I get in touch with other people, and get a chance to talk with them by using the mobile phone, I can truly enjoy hearing different views and opinions. For example, I can discuss our group work with my classmates even if we are far apart physically. Thus, the mobile phone is the best gift for me.<79 words>



I prefer to use public transportation. There are several reasons. First of all, using it makes me very happy. Whenever I get in touch with other people, and get a chance to talk with them in trains or buses, I can truly enjoy hearing different views and opinions. In addition to that, public transportation eliminate less pollutants such as carbon dioxide. On the other hand, cars cause serious problems to our environment. Thus, I like public transportation.<76 words>


 there are several reasons で始めて理由を二つ述べるか、For exampleとして具体例を述べるかは盗み聞き中に書きやすい方をお好みで。

 たまに盗み聞きに失敗して(周りの受験生がお題と真逆のことをしゃべっていることとかあります(笑) お題が「見たくない映画のジャンル」なのに、自分の好きな映画のジャンルをしゃべっちゃったりとか。)、緊急回避的に、 …different views and opinions.のあとをあらかじめ暗記してあった下記でつなぐこともありました。これでもお題にフィットすればたいてい3は取れるのですが、TOEFLのスピーキングは相対評価の補正が入るようで、簡単なトピックでこういう抽象的な内容に頼りすぎると2になります。なんせ日本語でもよく意味が解らない(笑)

Hearing such diverse views can help develop my own ideas. Then, I can cultivate my communication with others. In addition to that, by getting familiar with many kinds of ideas, I can become more creative and innovative.



The university will/The article suggests that the university should increase tuition and fees because the university will hire more professors and renovate some facilities.


In response to this announcement, the female/male student agrees/disagrees with this proposal and clearly states several reasons.


First of all, she mentions that she cannot get a seat for some classes because a classroom is too small.
Second, she needs to get a good job, but the facilities are out of date.

上述のとおり、リスニングパートはキーワードを拾って作文(例えばこの問題なら、学生が賛成と知ってれば、最悪seatとout of dateしか聞き取れなくても十分な原稿を作れます)。とにかくシンプルに賛成or反対の理由を2つです。40単語くらいで十分。これは他のタスクにも言えることですが、2つ書くのに十分なキーワードを拾ったら、もう聞く必要はないので原稿作成に集中しましょう。

The pros, therefore, vastly outweigh the cons and this change, if introduced, will enhance the university’s good reputation, and have a positive impact on the university in the long run. That’s why she/he is happy with this proposal.<107 words>


The cons, therefore, vastly outweigh the pros and this unfair change, if introduced, will have a negative effect on the university, thus impacting the university`s reputation. That`s why she/he disagrees with this proposal.


リーディングパート:reveal colorationについて
リスニングパート:reveal colorationを使う生き物の具体例

The given academic passage describes reveal coloration(リーディングパートのタイトル), which is a method to avoid predators.

タイトル(上記の場合” reveal coloration”)は必ずメモ。ただし、タスク3と違い、ある程度リーディングパートを読まないとリスニングの内容がよく解らなくなります。

 In the lecture, the speaker provides specific information and connected examples.


First of all/At first, she/he talks about the peanut bug. peanut bugs have wings that reflect sun light, so a predator would be surprised when it approaches a bug.
Second/After that, she/he discusses the morpho butterfly. The butterfly also have specific wings, which reflect light. The wings help the butterfly run away.


These characteristics show that they have evolved and adapted to their habitat. In short, the features allow them to flourish in the natural environment, and protect them from their predators. <106 words>


It is important for businesses to expand their market share through developing their customer base. Also, it is necessary for companies to enhance consumers’ knowledge of their products through advertisement campaign. In short, companies try their best to manage marketing strategy effectively.


In short, this example clearly explains 「リーディングのタイトル」, and it is the situation we often face in our daily life.




The male/female student’s problem is that he needs to decide his living arrangement.


There are several solutions.
One is to get a new roommate.
And the other is to move to a new house with his roommate.


And the other is a different way.


If I were the student, I would prefer the first/second solution.
This is because he can save money by doing so. When I was a university student, I had a similar situation, and thanks to choosing this solution, I could save money, and used such extra money to buy a lot of textbooks. It made my grades very good.


This is because he/she could communicate with various people (at the partyとかin the trainとかリスニングパートから適宜肉付け). Whenever he/she gets a chance to spend time with others and talk with them, he/she can listen to different views and opinions.

This is because getting practical experience (such as this research tripとかリスニングパートから適宜肉付け) is the priority for students, which will look great on their resumes, thereby increasing their chances of getting a good job in the future.


Therefore, I definitely prefer the second/first solution.<103 words>




In the lecture, the speaker explains how the passion plant and the potato plant defend themselves from insects.


First of all, she/he talks about the passion plant. The passion plant has physical features. The passion plant has spiky leaves, so insects cannot land the leaves and, of course, cannot eat them.
Secondly, she/he discusses the potato plant. The potato plant has chemical features that prevent insects from eating them. This chemical materials discourage insects to eat more.


Therefore, these characteristics show that they evolved and adapted to their habitat. In short, these features allow them to flourish in the natural environment. <100 words>





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